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Integro360 Terms of Use:
The data supplied in or from Integro360 is aggregated and anonymized industry market data from approximately 240,000 private companies and 4,360 public corporations (subject to change), does not contain personally identifiable information and is not derived from Integro Bank client, borrower or depositor information.
Neither Integro Bank nor any receiver and/or user of Integro360 data will publish or sell personally identifiable data (information that identifies particular client/customer or other individual) without express permission. Both Integro Bank and Receivers/Users agree to maintain the confidentiality of all personally identifiable information.
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Additional Limitations of Use & Disclosure:
*Please be advised that the report, industry data, and valuation generated by Integro360 are based on the limited information provided in your request. Integro Bank does not represent, warrant, or guarantee that such information represents the true market value of your company (which could be higher or lower), nor a value on which an independent third party would undertake a funding, acquisition, or other transaction with your company. Integro Bank is not accredited or certified by the American Society of Appraisers, the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts, or American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, and the Integro360 report does not qualify as a formal business valuation prepared by companies and individuals so accredited and certified. The Integro360 report, data and valuation is to be used solely for you and your company’s internal informational purposes and is not authorized for distribution to, or use with, any third parties. By placing your request for a sample or actual Integro360 report, you acknowledge and agree that Integro Bank will have no liability or obligation of any kind arising out of or relating to your use of the information contained within the Integro360 report and that you acknowledge and agree to the Terms of Use and Limitations of Use above.